Wednesday, 22 July 2015


This term in R22 we are investigating the world of animals,
'All Creatures Great and Small' 
the conflicts they have with each other and with humans and the problems they can cause.

As part of our  investigation we will be reading lots of stories about animals and today we enjoyed reading together on our big screen a true story called

'The One That Got Away"

We really enjoyed this story and found that we had many questions which we had to reread parts of the story to find the answers too.

Ms Penman drew a pretty cool trout but we thought we could do better so we drew our own trout and then thought about what we liked about the story before writing our ideas on our picture.

We all loved the mystery of the missing trout and its eventual return to the Lee family. None of us liked the lying that we thought had gone on and we were so happy when the trout was finally found after many many years of searching. 

Having read the story, some of us decided we would like to go trout fishing like Bob did but Goldwind thought he wouldn't really want to catch such a big trout as he wouldn't be able to carry it. Charles, who has just joined us this term, is very keen to catch a trout bigger than Bob did. We didn't know if 19 1/2 pounds was big for a trout or if that's a normal size to catch, but we were pretty sure it was probably a very big trout indeed other wise we weren't sure why the museum and then the airport would have wanted to have it on display.

We all decided we didn't know much really about trout or catching them but thought we might find out a bit about them this term as we have found today's story so interesting.

Some of us wondered who Bob and Greg were. We thought they showed a lot of perseverance as it took them a very long time to find what they were looking for. 'Perseverance' was our 'word of the day'!

We don't know either Bob or Greg but if we did R22 would like to ask them...

How they felt when they knew they had finally found the missing trout and why? Caylah
If catching trout is  the same today  as it was when  Bob caught the big one? Milan
How  long it takes to catch a trout and how they feel when they do catch one?  Emily
How much bigger was the trout Bob caught than the normal size trout people usually catch? Shenzen
Have they ever caught a trout as big as the one that Bob caught? Eden

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