Thursday, 30 July 2015

The One That Got Away

We really enjoyed the story of the
One That Got Away and  have written our own recounts.
Here are some of them...

One day a man called Bob Lee caught some trout. The three trout were all caught in the 1940s. The big one was 191/2 pounds! They all got taken to the airport but 40 years later they all went missing.

Robert Lee, Bob's son and Robert's son, Greg,  wanted to find the trout. Greg went to his favourite store Tisdalls sport store and saw two of the trout there. But where was the 191/2 pound one?

It turned up on Trade Me and was brought for $200. The new owners were told about the trout and so were happy to return it to Greg. All three trout are now in Greg Lee's house on the wall. His family I think must feel very happy they got all the trout back.
Caylah J.

In 1946 a man called Bob caught a 191/2 pound trout. Two years before he had caught smaller ones. All these trout were trophy trout because they were over 10 pounds.

Bobs son Robert gave the trout to the airport so tourists could look at them. 40 years later all three went missing. Bob and his son Greg did not stop looking for them. A long time later Greg found two at Tisdall's sports store in Queen Street.

One day a long time later Greg asked a man about the big one but he said he didn't know about it and hadn't seen it. Greg also gave a photo of the trout to a man called Ray.

A man who had brought the missing trout gave it to Ray to fix. Seven years after Greg had seen Ray, Ray rang to say he had found it.

All the trout were caught in Lake Tarawera. 

Lake Tarawera is famous for the Pink and White terraces. In 1886 the mountain erupted and the explosion was so massive that the whole top of the mountain came off. The terraces were gone.  This was disappointing.

The trout are now all on Greg's wall at Lake Tarawera. The men must have felt happy about getting the trout back This was a cool story as fishing is a boys thing so I liked it. I would like to try trout fishing.
Shenzen  T.

There are many people involved in this story so I will introduce them to you. Bob Lee the angler, his son Robert, his son Greg a man called Noel and a taxidermist called Ray.

In 1946 Bob Lee caught a 19 1/2 pound trout having previously caught two smaller trout in Lake Tarawera. Robert sent them to the museum and then to the airport after his dad died. This was so tourists could see them and maybe want to be trout fishermen or fisherladies.

Many years later the trout went missing. Bob and Greg were really sad that the trout had gone. They looked everywhere for them.

Finally Ray the taxidermist rang Greg to say that somebody who had brought the trout on Trade Me had brought it to him to repair.

The new owners were happy to give the trout back to the Lee's and Greg was astonished to hear they would. He lived happily ever after that with the trout.

My conclusion, I liked the story as it was a mystery. I like that whenever they had a problem they solved it. I liked that Greg lived happily ever after once he got the trout back.
Mia H.

Bob Lee caught three trophy trout in the 1940s.  They were very important so Robert Lee his son gave them to the museum and then later to the airport.

A long time later the three trout went missing. All of the Lee's searched for the missing trout. Two were found by Greg at Tisdalls sports shop. But the 191/2 pound trout was still missing.

Greg Lee took a photo to a taxidermist called Ray. When the trout was put on Trade Me Ray got it to fix. Ray let Greg know and the trout was returned to the Lee family. It is now on Greg Lee's wall at Lake Tarawera in Rotorua.

A very mysterious and interesting story especially for boys. It was a sort of an adventure all about fishing.

Asher A.

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