Thursday, 30 July 2015

The One That Got Away

We really enjoyed the story of the
One That Got Away and  have written our own recounts.
Here are some of them...

One day a man called Bob Lee caught some trout. The three trout were all caught in the 1940s. The big one was 191/2 pounds! They all got taken to the airport but 40 years later they all went missing.

Robert Lee, Bob's son and Robert's son, Greg,  wanted to find the trout. Greg went to his favourite store Tisdalls sport store and saw two of the trout there. But where was the 191/2 pound one?

It turned up on Trade Me and was brought for $200. The new owners were told about the trout and so were happy to return it to Greg. All three trout are now in Greg Lee's house on the wall. His family I think must feel very happy they got all the trout back.
Caylah J.

In 1946 a man called Bob caught a 191/2 pound trout. Two years before he had caught smaller ones. All these trout were trophy trout because they were over 10 pounds.

Bobs son Robert gave the trout to the airport so tourists could look at them. 40 years later all three went missing. Bob and his son Greg did not stop looking for them. A long time later Greg found two at Tisdall's sports store in Queen Street.

One day a long time later Greg asked a man about the big one but he said he didn't know about it and hadn't seen it. Greg also gave a photo of the trout to a man called Ray.

A man who had brought the missing trout gave it to Ray to fix. Seven years after Greg had seen Ray, Ray rang to say he had found it.

All the trout were caught in Lake Tarawera. 

Lake Tarawera is famous for the Pink and White terraces. In 1886 the mountain erupted and the explosion was so massive that the whole top of the mountain came off. The terraces were gone.  This was disappointing.

The trout are now all on Greg's wall at Lake Tarawera. The men must have felt happy about getting the trout back This was a cool story as fishing is a boys thing so I liked it. I would like to try trout fishing.
Shenzen  T.

There are many people involved in this story so I will introduce them to you. Bob Lee the angler, his son Robert, his son Greg a man called Noel and a taxidermist called Ray.

In 1946 Bob Lee caught a 19 1/2 pound trout having previously caught two smaller trout in Lake Tarawera. Robert sent them to the museum and then to the airport after his dad died. This was so tourists could see them and maybe want to be trout fishermen or fisherladies.

Many years later the trout went missing. Bob and Greg were really sad that the trout had gone. They looked everywhere for them.

Finally Ray the taxidermist rang Greg to say that somebody who had brought the trout on Trade Me had brought it to him to repair.

The new owners were happy to give the trout back to the Lee's and Greg was astonished to hear they would. He lived happily ever after that with the trout.

My conclusion, I liked the story as it was a mystery. I like that whenever they had a problem they solved it. I liked that Greg lived happily ever after once he got the trout back.
Mia H.

Bob Lee caught three trophy trout in the 1940s.  They were very important so Robert Lee his son gave them to the museum and then later to the airport.

A long time later the three trout went missing. All of the Lee's searched for the missing trout. Two were found by Greg at Tisdalls sports shop. But the 191/2 pound trout was still missing.

Greg Lee took a photo to a taxidermist called Ray. When the trout was put on Trade Me Ray got it to fix. Ray let Greg know and the trout was returned to the Lee family. It is now on Greg Lee's wall at Lake Tarawera in Rotorua.

A very mysterious and interesting story especially for boys. It was a sort of an adventure all about fishing.

Asher A.

The One That Got Away...continued

Once there lived a man called Bob Lee. In 1946 he caught a trout that was 191/2 pound. Amazing! The trout was so big it was known as a trophy trout. Bob's son decided to loan it and two others to the museum first and then to the airport.

After many years the trout went missing from the airport. When the Lee family found out Greg Lee, who is the grandson of Bob Lee wanted to find it. He looked everywhere with his father. He gave a photo to the taxidermist called Ray and then seven years later Greg got a phone call to say that Ray had the trout. Greg must have felt really happy!

The people who had given it to Ray to fix had won it on Trade Me. They didn't know it had gone missing from the airport so they gave it back to the rightful owners.

Today the trout and the smaller two that were found at Tisdalls sport store are on Greg Lee's wall in his house at Lake Tarawera.

A mysterious story!
Sophia P.

In 1946 a man called Bob Lee caught a trout. It was a trophy trout as it was so big. It was given to the airport by his son, along with two other trophy trout. Then many years later it went missing.

Eventually a man called Ray who was a taxidermist was given it to fix. He rang Greg Lee to tell him he had his grandads trout.

The new owners had won it on Trade Me so they gave it back and it's now on Greg's wall at Lake Tarawera.


Bob Lee caught a trout one day. It was so very big so his son gave it to the airport.

A long time later the trout went missing. All the Lee's started searching for it. Greg Lee took a photo to the taxidermist and lots of time later he got the trout to fix.

Bob Lee caught a big trout.  It was really big. It went missing when it was at the airport. The family wanted it back and looked and looked. Ray who was a taxidermist was given it to fix and so he rang Greg and told him he had it. Greg got it back and put it in his house at Lake Tarawera.

I thinks it's strange how it got on Trade Me but I'm glad it did as they got it back.

There once lived a man a long time ago and his name was Bob Lee. Bob caught a really big trout and it was given to the airport. One day the airport wrote to the Lee family to tell them the three trout they had been given had gone.

Greg Lee found the two smaller trout at Tisdall's but the bigger trout was still missing. He gave a picture of the big trout to a man called Ray and then one day along time later he rang to say he had just been given the trout to repair.

Greg lived happily ever after with the trout.
Narla T.

In 1944 a man called Bob Lee caught a trout in Lake Tarawera with his son Robert Lee. In 1945 he caught a bigger trout and then in 1946 he caught a 191/2 pound trout. They were very pleased with themselves!

Later Robert Lee took the three trout to the airport where they stayed for the tourists to see. A long time later they found the trout were missing. So Robert and his son Greg started looking everywhere.

His son Greg was very clever and he found two at Tisdall's sport store in Queen street. That made them very happy  but they still could not find the big trout, so they were still very sad.

Finally, Greg gave photos to a man called a taxidermist. He kept the photos and seven years later he rang Greg to say he had been given the trout to repair. Someone had won it on Trade Me for $200.

The new owners returned the trout and they are now all safely in Greg Lee's house.
Mia W

There was a man called Bob Lee who caught a big trout. It was so big it went to the museum and then to the airport but then a long time later they found out it was missing. So were the other two smaller ones. It made them sad!

It eventually was on Trade Me a long time later. A man was given it to fix and he said "I know this fish and it doesn't belong to these people"

He rang Greg Lee who had given him some photos of it many years earlier. Greg was very glad to have it back again and it is now in his home.

In 1946 there was a man called Bob Lee.  One day he was excited as he caught a 191/2 pound trout. He was so amazed! The year before he had caught big trout but none as big as this. They were all trophy trouts. They got put in the museum and then at the airport by his son.

Then his son was sad as they went missing. He and his son Greg, went looking for them. The first two trout were found at Tisdall's sport store in Queen Street. The biggest trout was still missing.

After a few more years Greg gave a photo to a taxidermist called Ray just in case he might come across the 191/2 pound trout. Good Idea!

Then after seven years he rang Greg to say he's found the missing trout. Greg went and picked it up and now all the trout are in Greg Lee's house in Lake Tarawera.
Natalia A.

In 1946 there was a man called Bob Lee who had caught three big trout in Lake Tarawera.  One day the trout that were at the airport all went missing.

Robert Lee, Bobs son, searched for them and his son Greg helped. Greg found two at Tisdalls Sport store. Greg went to the taxidermist Ray. Greg gave him some photos of the big trout. Ray said if he saw it he'd let him know.

Greg asked another man about the trout but he said he knew nothing. That was interesting cos I think he did!

Greg got the trout back from Ray when he rang him to say someone had brought it on Trade Me and had brought it in to have repaired.

The Lee family got the three trout back which they were amazed about and I think  its fantastic they did.


Kereru Speech Finals

Today we had the Kereru speech finals.

Rm 22 was represented by Aria  who spoke about Tigers and Emily who talked about Pluto.

The winners were Zanna from R18 and Blair from R21.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Room 22 were very excited this morning when Ms Penman told them that they had received a reply to their questions from the author of the story  they read and enjoyed yesterday 
'The One That Got Away'

How wonderful that the class are interested in the Trout story and what
fantastic drawings.
They are very talented and would make great anglers.

Answers to questions in order.

1.CAYLAH. I have never won lotto but that is how I felt. I was so happy
because I had felt guilty about giving
The trout to the Museum in the first place. Not knowing, of course, that my
4 year old son was going to become
a dedicated fisherperson.

2.MILAN. Trout fishing is every bit as exciting as it was in those days. The
fish are mostly a bit smaller although
there are still some huge trophy trout being caught in some South Island

3.EMILY.It does not take long to pull the trout into the boat or into your
net. Probably 10 minutes. That big one
Took over one hour because it swam around logs in the river. What does take
time sometimes is waiting for one to
bite your fly or lure. That's when you just enjoy the beautiful scenery or
eat your tasty lunch.

4.SHENZEN. That big trout was caught in Lake Tarawera and there are still
huge fish in that lake but anglers are
not allowed to fish in their habitat, Tarawera River outlet area, because
they want to use those really big fish for
breeding stock. A 5 pound fish is good and we still get them up to 10 pounds

5.EDEN.We have never caught a trout that big although Greg did catch a 9
pound trout which is a huge fish these days
and most anglers would want to have a fish that size mounted. He had it
smoked and it was delicious! These days of course
we use kilograms instead of pounds and the fish sound smaller. 10 pounds
being only 4.54 KG 

Bob Lee

Wednesday, 22 July 2015


This term in R22 we are investigating the world of animals,
'All Creatures Great and Small' 
the conflicts they have with each other and with humans and the problems they can cause.

As part of our  investigation we will be reading lots of stories about animals and today we enjoyed reading together on our big screen a true story called

'The One That Got Away"

We really enjoyed this story and found that we had many questions which we had to reread parts of the story to find the answers too.

Ms Penman drew a pretty cool trout but we thought we could do better so we drew our own trout and then thought about what we liked about the story before writing our ideas on our picture.

We all loved the mystery of the missing trout and its eventual return to the Lee family. None of us liked the lying that we thought had gone on and we were so happy when the trout was finally found after many many years of searching. 

Having read the story, some of us decided we would like to go trout fishing like Bob did but Goldwind thought he wouldn't really want to catch such a big trout as he wouldn't be able to carry it. Charles, who has just joined us this term, is very keen to catch a trout bigger than Bob did. We didn't know if 19 1/2 pounds was big for a trout or if that's a normal size to catch, but we were pretty sure it was probably a very big trout indeed other wise we weren't sure why the museum and then the airport would have wanted to have it on display.

We all decided we didn't know much really about trout or catching them but thought we might find out a bit about them this term as we have found today's story so interesting.

Some of us wondered who Bob and Greg were. We thought they showed a lot of perseverance as it took them a very long time to find what they were looking for. 'Perseverance' was our 'word of the day'!

We don't know either Bob or Greg but if we did R22 would like to ask them...

How they felt when they knew they had finally found the missing trout and why? Caylah
If catching trout is  the same today  as it was when  Bob caught the big one? Milan
How  long it takes to catch a trout and how they feel when they do catch one?  Emily
How much bigger was the trout Bob caught than the normal size trout people usually catch? Shenzen
Have they ever caught a trout as big as the one that Bob caught? Eden