Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Roald Dahl Posters

In room 22 we love Ms Penman reading Roald Dahl stories. For homework we have been doing a little bit of research on this amazing author. 

We had to find out some facts about him and then make a poster. Some people did heaps of facts. We shared our posters in our Buzz Groups. We enjoyed listening to what others had found out about Roald Dahl. 


By Caylah &Emily

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Our Day at the Museum

Room 22 enjoyed a wonderful day at the museum this week. We went as part of our inquiry investigation into Conflict and Resolution, in particular World War 1 and Gallipoli. 

We had time to look around the museum at all the exhibits before we met the education officer after lunch.

Aria and Mason got dressed up in soldier's clothes before we all went of to the trenches in Gallipoli.

We learnt that in the trenches, where men stayed for periods of up to 10 days you couldn't stand up or you were shot. So the periscope was invented so men could see over the sandbags into enemy territory. 

We also found out that trenches were shared with rats, lice, flies ...yuk!!

You couldn't shower or have a bath and with there being no toilets things were pretty smelly.

There were no beds, soldiers slept on the ground. 

We decided that the soldiers in the trenches must have felt very uncomfortable, sad, angry, bored at times and likely could have been depressed.

We know we would have been! We're all very glad that we didn't live 100 years ago!

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Our Museum Trip

In Room 22 we went to the Auckland Museum. Some of the parents names who helped us were Steven, Emma, Mike, Marian.

The museum was interesting because we learnt about World war 1 and volcanoes and sea animals like sharks.Room 18,20 and 22 went with us!

By Emily and Caylah


Monday, 1 June 2015

Roald Dahl

In R22 we all love reading Roald Dahl stories.

So far this term we have read The Twits and The BFG.

For homework at the moment we are busy researching Roald Dahl to find out who this wonderful author was.

The stories make us all laugh and we roll around on the floor laughing as Miss Penman reads them to us... they really are so much fun to read! Some of us have even brought their own books along to school so they can follow the story as Miss Penman reads... now that's pretty great!

Last week we decided we would make our own Big Friendly Giant pictures. We gave each of them a name and created a story for them.

We think our BFG's are pretty cool!

 What do you think of our  efforts?

We are very proud of our Sasa!

Recycling at Hillpark School

This week we are very busy supporting our school's Enviro Club.

We have begun writing persuasive arguments that we think will support them and persuade other children at our school that they should care enough about our school environment  to do their part and to recycle.

We will share some of our persuasive writing with you when we have finished!